Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact us with any questions not listed below.

What is the process?

Dr. Amanda Bevans will come to your home and help you through end of life care for your pet. A sedation plan will be chosen and administered so that your pet is sleeping before the final medication is given. Mementos will be collected as requested (fur clipping, paw prints, etc.) and your pet will be transferred to the crematorium, unless you would prefer to do that, or you choose home burial.

How do I know when it is time?

This is a difficult and personal choice but the best way is to evaluate their Quality of Life. Our goal is to relieve or prevent suffering and there is a lot of information on our resources page to help you decide and you can discuss your situation with your primary care veterinarian or Dr. Bevans. Even though we would like our pets to live many more years than they do it is better to euthanize a little early than wait too long. Euthanasia is a kindness that we can offer to help a pet pass peacefully.

What should I plan for?

There are a few things you can think about beforehand:

-Location of the euthanasia and people that you want present. Do you want to be present for everything or just parts of it? It’s all very peaceful and kind but you can step away at any time.

-Do you want a private cremation (ashes returned to you) or general cremation (cremation occurs with other pets and ashes are respectfully placed in a location by the crematorium at the treeline of their acreage) or a home burial (bylaw restrictions apply).

-Do you want mementos (fur clippings, paw prints, etc.)?

What is the cost?

Due to legislation in Alberta our veterinary professional regulatory organization does not allow us to display costs - please email text or call for a quote.